As I was listening to a conference speaker on a podcast this week, she mentioned in passing something that has stuck with me all week. She said that science has been working on ways to treat cancer by listening to the cancer’s vibrations and then treating it with the same vibration and causing it to break up through its own reciprocal vibration.

If you’re scratching your head at those words, a bit confused, you’re not alone. Let me explain a bit more with a quick science refresher: All objects produce energy. Rocks, water, plastic, skin cells, everything! And the energy puts off vibrations. We may not see or hear it but they do. Even cancer cells have their own vibrational currency that is unique to them. The Law of Resonance explains this a little bit better than I can when it indicates that like energy attracts like energy. In other words, objects that have the same resonance respond to each other. They’re literally vibing together! Putting this in terms that we can relate to, if you had two tuning forks side by side that operated on the same frequency, if you activated one tuning fork, the other would start resonating the same frequency and pick up the same vibration. The same with guitars that are sitting on a surface near each other. If you pluck one cord, the other guitar is able to feel that frequency and that same cord will resonate on the other guitar. Do these examples help explain the science a bit better?

So if we take that one major step forward, if you can figure out the vibrational energy that cancer is operating at, we can similarly cause that cancer to vibrate without invasive procedures and cause that cancer to break down on its own. One of the articles I was reading on this said that cancer sufferers are encouraged to drink lots of water to flush the cancer cells through the liver, and they complete the treatment in waves as it can cause heat to build up around the tumors as they vibrate so they need to be sure to preserve the non-cancer cells adjacent. Isn’t this so very cool?

Sounds totally woo woo, doesn’t it?!? Yes it does!! But thankfully in this case woo woo is scientific truth! Scientists in China, Michigan, and Canada (among others) have been doing similar work for decades using sound waves and ultrasound to help destroy cancer.

If this has been going on for decades, why aren’t we exploring these options more? Why is this the first time I (a former oncology nurse) am hearing of this? I can guarantee it doesn’t benefit big pharma, but can promise you that my half a dozen friends who are currently undergoing chemo, radiation, and/or surgery would have much rather undergone vibrational therapy than the modalities modern medicine has put them through.

I pray that one day the science is perfected and the knowledge is out there loud and proud in society declaring that listening to cancer’s vibrations and reciprocating them in close proximity will finally kill those bastards dead!!!

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