Budgeting Categories

Budgeting Your Way to Self-Made Financial Freedom

I recently overheard a guy talking a little too loudly at the library saying that he didn’t follow a budget because he’d never been a rule-follower. He wasn’t gonna let anyone tell him what to do with his money. In his mind, budgeting was clearly not for him. It took everything in me to not speak up and interrupt the conversation. Clearly this guy had it all wrong. He wasn’t…

5 Sanity Savers that are Essential to Every Budget

5 Sanity Savers that are Essential to Every Budget

After talking to a friend about my afternoon off this last week floating in an epsom salt bath at a local float room, I realized that in the world of finance and frugality, many people cut out anything that they feel is fat in their budgets. My friend was no different. And while she wanted to include such “splurges” in her life, she felt like she couldn’t. They were “non-essentials.”…

Prioritizing my WHY during a Pandemic
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Prioritizing my WHY during a Pandemic

It’s no secret that I work really hard to get my bills paid as frugally as possible and to provide what my family needs while still having fun money and money set aside for emergencies and investing. That being said, it’s still often difficult to use the money that I set aside as fun money instead of using that money to invest in my family‘s future. All this to say, I…