Money Taboos: Breaking the Stigma of Talking about Finances

Money Taboos: Breaking the Stigma of Talking about Finances

Moola clams greenbacks Benjamins bills dough loot bacon stash bank smackaroos Hamiltons MONEYLet’s start talking about finances! No matter what you call it, there often seems to be not enough of it. And there seems to be a stigma that surrounds all aspects of it. In my family growing up, it was never spoken of except in terms of scarcity. You couldn’t have things because there wasn’t enough money and…

Fulfilled woman holding up Heart

What do you want your tombstone to say? (living a fulfilled life)

Today is my only day off this week, so I’m running errands. I’m listening to the second part of the podcast that I referenced in the previous “Happiest” post… So one of the things that she was also posing the question of is ‘how do you want to be remembered when you pass away? What do you want your obituary to say?’ Obviously she was not getting at just the essential…

Couple cozy by fire

What Makes Me Happy?

Secret obsession I would venture to guess that most people have a secret (or perhaps not so secret) obsession with something that their friends perhaps don’t get. Perhaps you like to read all the juicy rag magazines, secretly wish you were a Kardashian, have a body full of tats underneath your clothes or dream you did, or spend $20 on scratchers every payday hoping that that will be the last…

Prioritizing my WHY during a Pandemic
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Prioritizing my WHY during a Pandemic

It’s no secret that I work really hard to get my bills paid as frugally as possible and to provide what my family needs while still having fun money and money set aside for emergencies and investing. That being said, it’s still often difficult to use the money that I set aside as fun money instead of using that money to invest in my family‘s future. All this to say, I…

Banking Automation: The Original “Set it and forget it!”

Banking Automation: The Original “Set it and forget it!”

AhhhhhWelcome 2021! Just the fact that you aren’t called 2020 makes you already better! All jokes aside, New Year’s always kind of brings a sense of hope to me. Yes, there are unknowns like there are every day of the week, but there’s the promise that we made it through another year, even a crappy year like 2020! And while you would probably think that I wanna focus on the…